Talk With Your Daughter About Her ADHD

Talk With Your Daughter About Her ADHD

If you think your daughter has ADHD, before seeking a diagnosis, educate yourself. The more you know as a parent, the better prepared you are to talk with your daughter about her ADHD, understand her, and help her.,, and are excellent sources of reputable and reliable information. Your comfort with ADHD and talking about it increases when…
Help Her Learn Executive Function Skills

Help Her Learn Executive Function Skills

Executive functions are the essential self-regulating skills we use daily to accomplish just about everything. They help us plan, organize, make decisions, shift between situations or thoughts, control our emotions and impulsivity, and learn from past mistakes. Kids rely on their executive functions for everything from taking a shower to packing a backpack and picking priorities. Executive functioning skills are…
Release the Power of Neuroplasticity in Your Daughter’s ADHD Treatment with Early Intervention and Medication

Release the Power of Neuroplasticity in Your Daughter’s ADHD Treatment with Early Intervention and Medication

Neuroplasticity, the brain's capacity to reorganize and adapt, is a critical factor in understanding and managing attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This multifaceted neurodevelopmental condition poses challenges in attention, impulse control, and hyperactivity, but it's not an insurmountable hurdle. By leveraging neuroplasticity principles, along with timely intervention and medication, children with ADHD can navigate their challenges more effectively and lead fulfilling lives.…