What You Need to Know
About Girls with ADHD
Welcome to our blog! It's all about
- you guessed it - girls with ADHD

Here you'll find:
- Accurate up-to-date information about ADHD in girls.
- Parenting tips and advice for girls with ADHD.
- How to talk to your ADHD daughter.
- Ways to advocate for your daughter with ADHD.
A Personal Perspective by Dana Dzamic, an ADHD parent and consultant… As a mom to a daughter with ADHD, I understand how confusing it can be to figure out whether your child’s quirks are just part of growing up or something that needs more attention. I’ve been there, questioning my…
ADHD and stimulant medications Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, affects millions of children around the world. Girls with ADHD have trouble focusing and can be hyperactive or impulsive as well. Not only do her symptoms affect everything in her life, they impact your whole family. However, stimulant medications can help your…
Common ADHD misconceptions and roadblocks to diagnosis Elementary school girls with ADHD often go undiagnosed. Reasons for overlooking the diagnosis vary, including unexpected presentations, social expectations, and parental hesitations. Regardless, if you suspect your daughter has ADHD, you should screen her as soon as possible. In this blog, we’ll look…
Common perceptions about what attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, looks like—have left many girls undiagnosed. For years, ADHD researchers primarily studied and diagnosed hyperactive boys. However, hyperactivity is not the only presentation of ADHD. In fact, a different presentation of ADHD, predominantly inattentive ADHD, is more common in girls.…
How to talk to your ADHD daughter about her day Does your ADHD daughter ever struggle to answer the question, “How was your day?” That’s a really common roadblock with ADHD. Even when she really wants to talk about something, ADHD can make it difficult. Not only does she have…
Do you think your daughter has attention deficit disorder, otherwise known as ADHD? Before you seek a diagnosis, educate yourself. The more you know, the better prepared you are to explain ADHD to your daughter. Also, a better understanding of ADHD will help you understand and support her. Check out…
Helping Your ADHD Daughter Navigate Executive Function Challenges What are executive function skills? Executive function skills are essential self-regulating abilities everyone uses daily for almost everything, including organizing, prioritizing, and thinking before speaking. These skills are developed and refined during childhood. However, girls with ADHD often miss out on developing…
Neuroplasticity, the brain’s capacity to reorganize and adapt, is a critical factor in understanding and managing attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This multifaceted neurodevelopmental condition poses challenges in attention, impulse control, and hyperactivity, but it’s not an insurmountable hurdle. By leveraging neuroplasticity principles, along with timely intervention and medication, children with ADHD…
Inattentive ADHD is arguably the most devastating of presentations – because so often it is missed by adults until our young people are suffering the consequences of their neurological differences. They may have already been told they are lazy, daydreamy, unmotivated, etc. and have accepted this as who they are,…